Paramount Pictures is to go ahead with its own animation division which will be titled as Paramount Animation so it seems that this well known studio has decided to venture into the field of which the creations are sought after by many moviegoers. So far the animations which had been distribute by the studio had been those created by DreamWorks Animation and there has been a business deal between two establishments. However the deal will be expiring at the end of next year and though DreamWorks has been offered an extension of one year it seems that they are letting Paramount Pictures go in favor of a different partner. According to inside source it is possible that animation studio will go ahead with a sale if not a new partner.
As for the new animation division of Paramount Pictures which has been named Paramount Animation plans have already been made starting from 2014. So loosing the deal with DreamWorks Animation will not have a great effect. What the studio has in mind is to release one animation per year and chances are high that the debut venture will be the sequel to Rango which is of course only an idea. As the official press release goes it includes that they will launch an in-house animation division and plans are being made to have the first release in 2014. Elaborating on this matter Paramount Chairman & CEO Brad Grey had not forgotten to add that budgets per picture will be up to $100 million so as to deliver animations of high quality.
Talking about upcoming launch of Paramount Animation Paramount Pictures had much to sharer and it seems that the division is yet to have a leader of the division since the search is one for a suitable person. It had been stated that since there is a demand for animation movies it had been necessary to have its own animation division. It should be added here that Rango had been the first fully owned animation released by the studio and the movie did quite impressively receiving both critical acclamation and commercial success.
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